Ayatul Kursi Calligraphy Importance

Ayatul Kursi Calligraphy, Among many areas of Islamic art, calligraphy is most popular. Calligraphy (from the Greek means "beautiful handwriting") is an ancient branch of applied graphics, the aesthetic design of handwritten type, and also a discipline. Calligraphy is the art of Islam has a special place. Initially, Arabic calligraphy arose based on copying the Holy Quran, so the written word in itself received a sacred meaning. Benefits of Reading Ayatul Kursi Calligraphy 1- Gift of Heaven Ayat al-kursi is one of the most significant verses in the Qur'an. Anyone who continually reads Ayat al-Kursi, it will protect from the harm...


ARABIC CALLIGRAPHY WALL ART, By analogy with Latin fonts, calligraphic styles are very different from each other. Each style has its visual characteristics and is subject to certain rules of execution. The differences are quite noticeable - if you learn to recognize these features, you can easily define each style on any media. Similarly, Each style was created for any purpose. Some styles gradually lost their significance. Others, on the contrary, passed the test of time and continue to be actively used. In addition, the most ancient style is the Kufi letter (kufi),.Which was used to create the first copies...