Difference Between 3D and Plated Wall Arts

3D Wall Art

The built up wall arts consist of a “ art face" which is displayed on the front of the art and a "return side" which is also visible when fixed to the wall. This method gives the illusion that the wall art is solid when in actual fact that’s hollow. The advantage in using this method is it reduce the weight of the wall art so it can be displayed and fixed to virtually any wall.

These type of calligraphies are made to order in a range of sizes and styles. The shape of the wall art is laser cut from a flat sheet of metal. A strip of metal is folded around the side of the wall art to create the return side and depth of the calligraphy.

The letters/signs are fitted to the wall with a two part nut and bolt fixing. The male-part of the fixing is welded onto the back of the letter. The female-part of the fixing is fitted onto the wall. The two parts of the fixing then slot together and are tightened up securely with a spanner to ensure they're securely into position.

Flat Cut or Plated Wall Art

A lot of the requests we get asked to produce wall arts which are long lasting and affordable. So we decide to make some selected calligraphies in Flat cut/Plated. Flat cut/Plated wall arts are also designed to give you a three dimensional feel to your wall art – they’re just not as chunky as the Built Up 3D Metal wall art. The flat-cut/Plated wall arts consist of a "art face" which is displayed on the front of the sign and not a "return side". The advantages in using this method is it reduces the cost compared to the built-up arts as well as the weight of the wall art so they can be displayed and fixed to virtually any wall.